1、杂交大麻!还是lone 植株 不能和别的一起种脑子用在这儿了所有后面就全干没脑子的事儿了 2、opec for weed DFS;Night of horror in Tlatelolco 3、疤面煞星 人力市场 weddingAgain 4、小资让毒贩装共产 就无语 转Coke咯 5、联合到了cali cartel和Pablo 6-7 靠上司、兄弟和女人发家 过桥了立刻抽板ascota看人挺准 你这个靠吞噬兄弟扩张的阿兹特克神化身 8、rafa就是一个不确定因素 暴力 恣睢 小心眼 还戒毒失败 9、fuck...kiki——— 10、一个月 妥协了 那个警察5卷录音带换有名字的录音带 And there will be blood.(最后那群人是赏金猎人啊 OK
...I saw us, the posh version. Love brings ecstacy and pain at the same time, you love him for who he was therefore you suffer, that's the price, you know it, you always know. Until one day you realize it's ok to let go, to let him be. Then, you are free, you are you again.