【无人视频在线观看免费播放影院】片名一语双关女主的职业和故事主旨——Be a good maid and get your life clean up显然这并不是傻白甜离开渣男成功逆袭转身遇到真命天子的烂俗美剧花开忘忧视频在线观看高清免费同时它也展现了另一群善于自我麻痹的女性(无论有没有社会援助)甚至还有某些男性依然摆脱不童年阴影和恋爱脑的“人生陷阱”
最后男主那段话太真实太下头了 35岁还不结婚的老男人十中有九是男主的类型 你问他们什么时候结婚well请参考sex and the city里Miranda的话 “Men are like cabs, when their available their light goes on. They awake one day and decide their ready to settle down, have babies, whatever, and they turn their light on. Next woman they pickup, boom, that' the one they'll marry. It's not fate, its dumb luck.”